Lickey Bank - 7th & 14th June 1964.

This is taken from an 8mm cine film frame and shows 92230 banking the rear of the WRS special ascending the Lickey Bank on 14th June 1964.These 3 recordings were all made at the same place about half way up the Lickey Bank:

A) Sunday morning 14th June 1964 with 34079 and 92230 banking. Of course Bulleid Pacifics were not normal fare on the Lickey Bank and 34079 was hauling a Warwickshire Railway Society tour that had started from Bristol.

B) Sunday morning 14th June 1964 with a Black 5 and an 84xx banking. Although the express passenger services had gone over to the 'Peak' diesels by this time the local service from Gloucester carried on with steam until withdrawn at the beginning of January 1965.

C) Sunday morning 7th June 1964. I seem to recall my dad got the dates mixed up and we went to the Lickey Bank a week early expecting to see the WRS trip above (A). All we saw was the morning local, again with a Black 5 but banked by the 9F. A real superpower combination considering the load was 4 coaches and a van.


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