Examples Of The Tape Recorders & Microphones Etc. Used, Including Technical Details.

Whilst by 1961 it was possible to get studio type quality from machines like the valve powered Ferrograph Series 4, they were mains powered and very heavy. It was possible to use them on batteries with inverters, however the weight and power consumption didn't make it very practical.

The early battery transistorised tape recorders we used were quite basic. Very much like as used in epsiodes of the original 'Mission Impossible', where at the start of the programme one usually self-destructs itself. But at least they were light and portable even though their performance was nowhere near as good.

Aphex Aural Exciter. A device that substantially improves old recordings.

Beyer M88N Microphone.

Grampian DP4 Microphone & Parabolic Reflector.

Ferrograph Series 4 Tape Recorder.

Grundig TK2200 Tape Recorder.

Grundig TK245 Tape Recorder.

Sharp RD504 Tape Recorder.

Sony TA-1010 Amplifier.

Sony TC-280 Tape Recorder.

The March 1968 'Roy Jenkins' Budget.

Uher 4200 Tape Recorder.


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